Today was one of the many many holiday Mondays that occur in Japan. I used the free time to catch up on some sleep and write an on-line final exam for my ESL Fundamentals Class. Before I got down to business on the exam, I decided I needed a little fuel for my endeavor.
I was lucky enough to have gone on base yesterday, I had bought some delicious Western Treats. English Muffins, Cheese, Shaved Deli Turkey Meat and more! So I made a light version of Eggs Benedict.
Recently, I have been perfecting my ability to poach eggs...I love soft poached eggs....I don't even like eggs very much....but a perfectly soft poached egg IS AWESOME! Boil a pot of water, add a good splash of vinegar (I have been using Sushi Rice Vinegar because it is more mild and does not affect the taste of the egg as much). Crack the egg and slowly pour it into the water (drop egg in as close to the water as possible). The vinegar will keep the egg together in the water. Leave it to come together a bit and then slowly push the egg together and up off the bottom of the pot. Cook until the yolk is at desired level of cooked. I lift the egg out of the water with a slotted spoon and shake a bit to ensure the yolk is still runny but the white is fully cooked.
Cut an English Muffin in half, added a sliver of butter and toast until crispy. Put a few slices of shaved deli turkey meat and a few slices of sharp cheddar cheese on the toasted English Muffin. Put the egg on top and ENJOY! This is a nice and light breakfast because nothing is fried, it's fairly low in fat (besides the cheese) and only has one egg (lower in cholesterol). It would be nice to add some sliced veggies, fresh fruit, and/or some low fat cottage cheese on the side.

[Eggs Benny - The Lighter Side]
I had a healthy brunch, wrote my final exam and felt quite positive about it and decided to reward myself with a little treat. 'A' always buys snackies and sweets/chocolate. I try to avoid eating them and usually do a pretty good job because I am not a sugar addict. I found 'A's' recent sugar fix and gave it a try. These delicious Hokkaido Cheese Chocolate's. Cheese flavoured chocolate! They are wonderful. I have eaten entirely too many and have consumed more calories from these cheese chocolates than my breakfast alone!!! Yatta!
[Hokkaido Cheese Chocolate]
YUM! Requesting the eggs benny when we visit!
Thanks for the recipe. Eggs Benedict is one of my new favorite breakfast meals and I have been wanting to know how to poach eggs, so thank you for the instructions!