The Typhoon last week did not end up affecting the trip to Tokyo, too much. Our flight was fine, a little bumpy, but nothing serious. We got in and headed to our hotel in Shibuya.

[Shibuya in the Rain]
I picked up an interesting beverage at the airport...RED WINE in a CAN! A Cabernet Shiraz Merlot from Australia apparently. It tasted cheap. Would recommend it only for the novelty and if you like the taste of tinny wine :(

[A Can of Wine]
That night we went to meet some friends of A's that she met while living in Redding, California many years ago. We went to a yakitori restaurant. Yakitori is basically all kinds of meats (usually chicken) and veggies on a wooden skewer, grilled over charcoal. The place we went was very tasty and pretty cheap for Tokyo, only 280 yen (about $3) for every item on the menu. Unfortunately I was too busy chatting and eating to take any pics of the food. But here is a good group shot.
[Dio-san, Yuko-san, Kana-san, A , Julie-Cat]
For dessert we ordered some hot tea and these yummy Strawberries.
[Dessert Time]
The Strawberries were fresh and then frozen with the middle core removed and filled with Condensed Milk. They were super yummy!
[Strawberry frozen and filled with Condensed Milk]
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