Saturday, January 2, 2010

25 Best of 2009

I consider photography to be one of my hobbies. I really enjoy taking pictures but am not a professional by any means. I was reading a friends blog and they had posted their Top 10 Photos from 2009. I thought this was a cool idea so I started going through my pictures. I ended up with an album filled with over 40 pictures that were important to me in several ways. Some of the pictures brought back special memories, were pleasing to the eye, had good perspective/colours, and others were just cool (to me that is ). I tried to pick the Top 10 but was only able to whittle it down to my Top 25. Just a reminder, these photos are not all super quality but they all have a special story that I re-live every time I take a peak. So please Enjoy! In no particular order and without further ado......

[ Stray Cat on Ou Island ]

[ JET's in the Water - Onna Village ]

[ Sunset at Sunset Beach ]

[ Ominous Sky - Ikei Island ]

[ Okinawan Wedding ]

[ Good Luck Seeds - South Africa ]

[ Kurakuma Escape ]

[ The Water Divides - Ikei Island ]

[ Goats on a Boat - Aka Island ]

[ Orion Beer Festival - Ginowan ]

[ Aberdeen - Hong Kong ]

[ Okinawa Cherry Blossoms ]

[ Twilight Weir - South Africa ]

[ Island Cat - Ou Jima ]

[ Tranquil Giants - South Africa ]

[ Buddha on Lantau - Hong Kong ]

[ Mangroves - Naha ]

[ Ruling the World - Haebaru JHS ]

[ Nguni Cattle - South Africa ]

[ The Heart Sutras - Hong Kong ]

[ Curious Cats - Ou Island ]

[ Anxious - Karkloof, South Africa ]

[ An Incredible Encounter - South Africa ]

[ Elementary Sports Day - Okinawa ]

[ Junior High Sports Day - Haebaru JHS ]

Happy New Year! Best Wishes for 2010!


1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed looking at all of the photos! Tried to pick a favourite, or even a couple that were superior, to no avail. They are all fantastic!
