Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bubba Does Mexican

I am really and truly one of the luckiest cats around! A is a fantastic little chef! Cooking all kinds of delicious things, from all over the world! Recently, A blew me away with some Mexican inspired dishes. A picked up some good Mexican Cooking knowledge/skills while living in California.

Before you continue reading, I must warn you that this food post will NOT be including recipes or "how to's" because these are not my recipes and I have no idea how A made these magical dishes.

We started the meal off with a FABULOUS seviche. I am a little bit picky when it comes to seafood, so A carefully picked out the most delicious shrimpy's and salmon to use in the dish. It was packed FULL of citrus and cilantro flavour! YUMMMMY!

[Special Seviche]

Tortillas are not very easily found here in Okinawa.....although there are both corn and flour tortillas available (frozen and expensive). A took on the task of hand making tortillas from scratch! They were super delicious and bubbly! I was more than impressed by A's ingenuity.

[Handmade Tortilla]

To accompany the tortilla we had some tasty Mexican Rice. I always make NASTY Mexican Rice. A's rice was lightly flavoured and puffy deliciousness. I hope that one day I will get better at cooking rice.

[The Mexican Rice]

The main dish blew me away....for real. A made a "fake" Chicken Mole. Now A called it "fake" because A could not find all the ingredients needed and therefore modified the recipe BUT I thought it was WICKED GOOD! It was not toooo spicy but had just the right kick!

[Chicken Mole]

Good Stuff! Nothing like a little bit of Mexican to keep things lively! Meow!


  1. Seriously, home made tortillas! Seems like quite the undertaking. Chicken Mole is one of my favourites....chicken with chocolate sauce (right?) can you go wrong? Aoi, you must make it for us one day. Guacomole--do you make that?

  2. Mole can be made with Chocolate...but it is not a necessary ingredient. Correct me if I am wrong.....
